Chip Card and Contactless Resources
Access information, guides and signage
Prepare merchants for chip card and contactless payments with downloadable resources, training videos and point of sale (POS) signage.
Prepare merchants for chip card and contactless payments with downloadable resources, training videos and point of sale (POS) signage.
- Industry and technology guides
- Merchant training materials
- In-store signage
General resources
Chip Card (EMV) Information – ISVs
Chip Card (EMV) Information - Dealers
Best Practices for Processing Automated Fuel Dispenser Chip Transactions
Hospitality & Lodging Chip Card Guide
Restaurants Industry Chip Card Guide
Contactless payments
Contactless D-PAS Overview
Contactless D-PAS for POS System Vendors
Discover Contactless & Mobile Payments
Contactless for Merchant & Payment Enablers
Contactless Offering for Issuers
Chip card information
Chip Card Messaging Best Practices
How-to's and guides
Training videos
Available signage
Order additional materials
If you’d like to request more than 50 copies of our printed chip card resources, please contact us.